5-13 June 2022 Spirit Tour to Salt Spring Island

Sunday June 5, 2022   Montreal - Victoria


Seven members of the Montreal Bicycle Club ignored their feelings of guilt for taking an airplane and traveled to Vancouver from Montreal on the 5 June 2022. 

 Things started to improve as soon as they got off the plane, after a quick stop at the  terminal's Tim Horton's they could look forward to the bus and ferry ride to Victoria BC.


After checking into the hotel, they got they went for a walk and got their first taste of the gardens nearby.

Monday June 6 , 2022 ..... Victoria Tour

 The breakfast was at a local diner called Floyd's, which was painted pink, where we were joined by our local knowledge member Birdie Munger.  Afterwards we set out to pick up the rental bikes...

That afternoon we rode about Victoria to Royal Roads University where we met George the peacock and wandered about near Hatley Castle.

A little further on from Hately Castle we noticed a variety of bird sculptures near the ocean.

Always on the lookout for stories of bicycle infrastructure history, our local guide Birdie told us of the Galloping Goose transformation from a rail line to bike path.

Near the Hotel, a welcoming concert for the MBC was convened in front of the BC Legislature Building.



Tuesday June 7, 2022  ....   Butchart Gardens

  Queen Victoria and A.T. took a public bus while the rest of the club rode out to Butchart Gardens. First we admired the Sunken Garden and the nearby the Ross Fountain.



After visiting the Gardens, Dorothy lent her bike to A.T. and went back by bus to Victoria with the Queen.  The rest of the group explored the bike paths leading back to the city.

Birdie invited the group for a BBQ at his place that evening...

Wednesday June 8   ....  Ride to Salt Spring Island


Most of the group set out from the James Bay Inn to Schwartz Bay by bike, stopping at a cafe along the way, Queen Victoria waited a while then took a leisurely bus ride to the same.

The group all met up at the Swartz Bay ferry to Salt Spring Island.

A.T. traveled with Queen Victoria and together to the main island town of Ganges  where we checked out the reading material while the rest of the group swore they would never again mention the H word.....hills!!!

Everyone was hungry and ready for the BBQ that evening....

Thursday June 9 2020.....It never rains on Salt Spring Island, (I was misinformed)

  A.T, and the girls took advantage of a car to do some tea pot shopping and dock exploring while the rest of the boys claimed to ride over to Mobey's pub.  We all met out at the pub then headed out to a more upscale restaurant.



Friday June 10 ... Riding to Cowichan Lake or a sunny day on Salt Spring

  Most of the group continued on to Cowichan Lake while A.T. and Queen Victoria continued to search for birds and explore Salt Spring Island.

Saturday June 11 .... Meet you at the trestle

Rendezvous accomplished, we broke off for lunch.

 Soon we were back at the James Bay Inn, in time for the music.

Sunday June 12.....One more garden  and a birthday

Monday June 13 ....   Ferry back to Montreal


  1. Happy Birthday Elli! The formal garden in the meandering valley was quite wonderful; great photo of the forest with fern beds (Emily Carr subject matter); the driftwood bird sculptures, stone beach walks, the island views, all that west coast shoreline is great; fantastic trip, thanks for putting together a recounting; will let Anna and Betty know of the posting


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