Iles de Boucherville or Île de la Visitation?
As part of a recent trend, the advertised route of this fixture had little, if anything to do with what was actually ridden. Rather than going to the Iles de Boucherville, at starting point, Ma Bicyclette on the Island of Montreal, decided that one island is as good as another and decided rather to visit Île de la Visitation.
They cycled out on the Lachine canal to Old Montreal then up on the REV on St Denis.
Stopping to only pose for a picture near the destination and obligatory coffee.
Looping back along the Back River to O'Brien, we took my favorite short cut, avoiding the side walk beside the Decarie Expressway.
Squeezing through and over the fence was done just for effect, there is actually a path nearby when one looks hard enough.
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