Joliette to Sainte-Thérèse

DSC03086.JPGA.T. Lane, Dorothy Cole and Laura Snowball waiting for the delayed Via Rail Train 601 - 8:15 am departure from Montreal


Signature of the times

Nearly empty car train shared with a canoeist going off on a solo trip

Joliette,   we arrive to more canoeists embarking as we disembark. 

Heading through cornfields southwest towards Crabtree 

Crossing Rivière Rouge 

Arrival in Crabtree

Route 343 following the RIvière Rouge 


Enjoying a Water Break 

Lovely stone homes 

Dorothy Cole leading the way

Lunchtime in L'Assomption 

Bike Path to Terrebonne

Arrival in Terrebonne  following Route Vert 5 & 2 and the & crossing the Transcanada Trail


The TransTerrebonne 

The Old Mill

Terrebonne Le Jardin Patrimoine 

Crossing la Rivière-des-Mille-Îles  


TransTerrebonne kms along  beautifully  wooded paths


Sainte Thérèse at last- 99 kms later - at least one of us was generously forgiven for missing a dinner date

The much anticipated exo train once again nearly to ourselves                                      delivering us from our  day of adventures 


  1. Beautiful day. Looks like a great trip. Congrats on 99 km. Sorry to miss it.

  2. Great photos here and the preceding post. I'm jealous of your bike paths that go somewhere. Am I to understand you can take canoes on the train?


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