Sept. 18 Fixture Ride: Montreal & Eastern Half of Laval Island

       Departing from Shaika cafe, we cycled 72kms around the eastern 
half of Laval Island; then took the Exo Train from St Rose to Vendome
A.T. Lane, Dorothy Cole, Louis Rubenstein and Laura Snowball 
meet at the Shaika Cafe ready to start out 

A.T. Lane and his favourite companion do a 
reconnaissance of our  route the day before 
Encouraged by friends at Westmount Park 
Early morning blessing of bikes at Louis Rubenstein 
Memorial Drinking Fountain at Jeanne-Mance Park 
Enjoying the new separated directional bike lanes on 
Ave Christophe Colomb
North Shore of Montreal Island
Crossing over to south shore Laval Island via Pont Viau
Biking around the wooded peninsula passing the 
property of the Soeurs Missionnaires 
de L'immaculée-Conception 
Heading down Rue Des Barrages
Hydro  Quebec Rivière-des-Prairies
St Vincent -de -Paul 

Old Prison 

Federal Training Centre
Riverside Ride along Blvd Lévesque East
Lunch at one of the many berges parks along the route.
Dorothy Cole, our  coffee scout,  spotted a cafe where we 
all enjoyed our favourite coffees, hot chocolate 
& freshly baked goods 
1753 tribute to first pioneer with the family name Arres 
to arrive in Canada
Encounter with an imaginative fun lover along 
the way who created A Washer/ dryer Cyclist  with dryer ducts & powering  an old fashioned wringer washing machine

 The newest model of mermaid 


                                                          The eastern tip of Laval Island 

 Pont le Gardeur to Repentigny in the background

 What's a bike ride without a visit to a goat farm? 

and fromagerie 

Goat cheese anyone?    

and some hens and  geese
Beautifully restored homes,   another 
one we saw along our route was Maison Therrien 
dating  from 1722 

Easy Riders 

A  great day was had by all. 
