Numbers game

 I was walking along the de Maisonneuve bike path this morning around 8am near the Bibliotheque Nationale and noticed there was a counter installed above. It showed that 51 cyclists had used the path so far this day, which I thought was pretty good for lock down and winter.

Out of curiosity, I observed for a few minutes as four cyclists and a scooter rider went under the counter. Of the five users, only one actually showed up on the counter. This, I thought, is not good especially if the city is using this data to track usage of the path and, more especially, usage during the winter.

I sent a note to the city asking that they look into why the counter does not work properly.

Compteur sur piste cyclable Claire Morrissette

J'ai observé le comptoir au-dessus de la piste cyclable deMaisonneuve juste à l'ouest de Berri ce matin. Pendant une période de cinq minutes, quatre cyclistes et un skateur sont passés sous le comptoir mais cela n'a augmenté que d'un seul.

Je suis préoccupé par le fait que les informations recueillies par ce compteur sous-déclarent le nombre de cyclistes utilisant réellement la piste cyclable, en particulier pour les statistiques de cyclisme d'hiver.

A small issue in these worrying times but every cyclist should be counted!

G. T. Bishop
