REV Ride
Since the temperature creeped above zero today, I decided to go for a ride along the St. Denis REV route.
Part of the reason was to see how many cyclists were using the new paths and part was to see how well maintained the path was from the point of view of snow clearance since this path is supposed to be part of the city's 4 season network ( path was in excellent condition along its whole length. I did have one issue at Castelnau as the northbound path zig-zags over to Lajeunesse, which I didn't notice until zooming through the light. It might have had something to do with the turn indication on the pole being installed at a height to make it easily missed by cyclists.Though the mis-step allowed me to notice a bit of North Montreal poetry.It was pleasing to see some thought and design put into a public school building as I continued along Lajeunesse.
Originally, I had planned to ride west towards O'Brien once I near the north part of the island but by then my bladder alarm was starting to sound so I decided to return on the south REV path.Just before passing under the 40, I noticed that the light had a detector for cyclists so it would only give the green bike indication if a cyclist was actually there.
Be aware, though, you have to be right up by the pole for the signal to activate. Taking the photo caused me to miss one light signal because I was too far behind the detector.I hope to do the same ride next week and see the condition of the path after the forecast snow on the weekend.
Unfortunately, I only encountered a half dozen cyclists along the route but it was mid-afternoon.
G. T. Bishop
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