I hear the train a comin'

 But you can't necessarily get on.

The new fare structure seems to have some growing pains as A.T. Lane attempted to purchase a ticket at Vendome station to join G.T. Bishop on Friday's fixture ride to St. Constant to visit the Exporail museum.

Unperturbed, A.T. shouldered his faithful Bassi and jumped on the Candiac train with nary an EXO inspector in sight.

A.T. and G.T. spent the time crossing the St. Lawrence remembering the wonderful Spirit Tour Reunion dinner and G.T. recounted his Rogue Ride with Louis the previous day.

G.T. suggested they get off at Ste. Catherine and ride the few kilometers to the museum. The weather was perfect for riding and the members did a couple of extra kilometers as the whole internet seemed to be down for the count so they had to follow their noses to get to the museum with G.T. noting the old days when there were so few bike paths, it was hard to go astray.

Note to future visitors, the original entrance to the museum has now been closed off due to the bridge being condemned so the main entrance is now just south of the Old Sydney Collieries engine.

Once inside, a coffee was necessary before starting the visit. This was G.T.'s second visit but there are so many fascinating vehicles one always finds something not noticed previously. 

The photo of the departure board from the old Windsor station shows how many options there were for train travel before the car and highways had usurped their place.

A pleasant couple of hours was spent wandering amongst the different rail cars and engines. 

A.T. was in search of a room that had a Control Room but it turned out it had been closed. A.T. tried to find a way in but a vigilant staff member cut us off before we could get half way up the stairs. This signaled the end of the visit and the members started making their way along the South Shore towards the Champlain bridge with a lunch stop along the way.

There was a nice little head wind for going over the bridge, which made for some extra effort on this rather short ride for the day. The members said their farewells at the Atwater Market after a very pleasant day on the rails and paths.

Distance travelled about 35K.

G.T. Bishop
