Curling, the Scottish game vs Soccer, the English Game

Birdie Muger writes to say:

I want to tell MBC members about the Netflix series, The English Game. It’s a 6-part historical drama that covers the birth of professional football/soccer in England (and the world). It’s full of cliches and stereotypes, but I liked it. In part, because the setting is 1879. I tried to draw the parallel to the Montreal Bicycle Club in that year. Barely a year old, did members of the MBC have these same class tensions or were all the MBC Members ‘toffs’ anyway?
Weather in Victoria lends itself to a beer in my backyard at 5pm..... beer in one of my favourite mugs. Has anyone cross-referenced the membership of the MBC and the Royal Montreal Curling Club (RMCC)? It would be interesting to see. A Covid 19 - era research project perhaps.

If only my father-in-law was still alive to research that. Don Wallace was a RMCC member who was the author of the club's 200th anniversary book in 2007, 'The First Two Hundred Years' (finalized for publication after his death by other RMCC members). I remember Don pouring over the minute books in the National Archives in Ottawa. They were collected and delivered there by RMCC members in the 1960's or 1970's, over fears they might be lost or damaged during the height of Quebec separation unrest.
